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Quick Start


If you are a cluster admin a and want to deploy kjournal on your cluster(s), please refer to the apiserver install guide.

Install CLI

brew install raffis/kjournal/kjournal
go install
curl -sfL | bash
docker pull

You will find in the CLI installation documentation more advanced options regarding the cli installation.

Fetch logs


To fetch container logs from a namespace you can simply use the pods command. The command will start to print log streams from all containers prefixed and colored by pod and container names.

This will display all container logs from the namespace mynamespace.

kjournal pods -n mynamespace

You can quick filter by naming a pod or a pod prefix.

Will stream logs from all pods starting with mypod-

kjournal pods -n mynamespace mypod-


Get historical kubernetes events.

kjournal events -n mynamespace

Audit events

kjournal has built-in support for kubernetes audit events. You can access audit event using the audit command.

This will stream the entire audit feed:

kjournal audit


AuditEvent is a cluster scoped resource and needs cluster wide permission to read it.

Arbitary logs

Get arbitary logs.

kjournal logs


Logs is a cluster scoped resource and needs cluster wide permission to read it.

Time range

The kjournal-apiserver looks up logs from the last 24 hours and starts stream from 24h ago. The server default is configurable (see server configuration). You can change the window in which logs are looked up by using the --since flag. This works for all kjournal commands.

This will stream logs starting from 7 days ago.

kjournal pods -n mynamespace mypod- --since 7d

Alternatively you may use --range [from]-[to]. --range 18h-23h will feed logs from 18h ago to 23h ago, basically a 5h window.


--since is a shortcut of --range now-[to]. --since 5h is the same as --range now-5h.


Logs can be filtered server-side. This works for all kjournal commands. You can use the flag --field-selector which supports the same operators as kubectl get does. However on top of that kjournal also supports other operators including >,< or in().

kjournal pods -n mynamespace mypod- --field-selector payload.myLogField=xxx